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Disability Rights and Policies

"Disabilities and Livelihoods: Rethinking a Conceptual Framework.” 
by D. Stienstra and TML Lee.
Societies 9, 4 (2019): 67
“Canadian disability policies in a world of inequalities"
by D. Stienstra
Societies 8, 2 (2018), 36

“Heightened vulnerabilities and better care for all: Disability and end-of-life care”

by D. Stienstra, A. D’Aubin and J. Derksen.

Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care. 10, 1 (Feb. 2012), 17-26.

“Palliative care for vulnerable populations”
by D. Stienstra and HM Chochinov
Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care. 10, 1 (Feb. 2012), 37-42.

“A three-way dance: The global public good and accessibility in information technologies”

by D. Stienstra, J. Watzke and G. Birch.

The Information Society 23, 3 (2007): 149-58.

“Finding our way home: Home and end of life transitions for people with disabilities”
by D. Stienstra and R. Wiebe
Canadian Journal of Urban Research/Revue canadienne de recherche urbaine 15, 1 (Summer 2006): 19-35.
“The Critical Space Between: Access, Inclusion and Standards in Information Technologies”
by D. Stienstra

Information, Communication and Society 9, 3 (June 2006): 333-54.
“Accessing Electoral Success: Challenges and Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Canada”
by A. D'Aubin and D. Stienstra
Electoral Insight 6, 1 (April 2004): 8-14.

“Expanding evidence and expertise in impact assessment: Informing Canadian public policy with the knowledge of invisible communities”

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